posted in: PA | 1,191

Click on the >>>PA Downloads Link in the Resources Menu to download these KMZs for free! The TU CSI dataset (originally developed for the eastern US by the “Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture”) was one of the very first this … Read More

PA Stream Access Mapping Layers

posted in: PA | 13,575

It’s one thing to identify a new stream to fish; quite another thing to actually gain access to the stream.  This page describes 7 layers that can be invaluable to anyone trying to figure out how to gain access:  1 … Read More

Class A Wild Trout Streams

posted in: PA | 12,484

Updated 2014. Click on the >>>PA Downloads Link in the Resources Menu to download this KMZ for free! Class A Wild Trout Streams are defined by the PA Fish and Boat Commission by trout biomass:  specifically streams supporting more than … Read More

Historic Trout Fishery Data

posted in: PA | 7,855

Released 12/2013. Click on >>>PA Downloads in the PA Resources Menu to download this KMZ for free! Most fishermen like to know the type of trout they’re going to fish for.  While all wild trout are beautiful, some anglers prefer … Read More

Wilderness Trout Streams

posted in: PA | 27,640

Source: PAFBC, PASDA, Google Earth Released 12/2013. Click on the >>>PA Downloads link in the PA Resources menu to download this file! Since 1969, PAFBC has been designating Wilderness Trout Streams.  In 2012, 206 segments were so designated.  Current criteria … Read More

PA Class B, C & D Wild Trout Streams

posted in: PA | 18,716

Click on the >>>PA Downloads Link in the Resources Menu to download these KMZs for free! Note: In late 2013 we published kmz that extracts the Class B streams based on our analysis of the information described below.  If you’re … Read More

PA Class B Wild Trout Streams

posted in: PA | 8,728

Released 12/2013. Click on the >>>PA Downloads link in the PA Resources menu to download this file! Note: In January, 2014 we published an improved version of the overlay which is both more accurate and easier to interpret than the … Read More

PA Class B, C & D Wild Trout Streams (2)

posted in: PA | 8,623

Updated 1/2014. Click on the >>>PA Downloads Link in the Resources Menu to download this KMZ for free! Note: In 12/2013 we published kmz that extracts the Class B streams based on our analysis of the information described below.  If … Read More

Ch93 Cold Water Habitat

posted in: PA | 7,673

(Understanding Pennsylvania Trout Data) Available as an advanced Web Map.  Many of the underlying datasets may also be downloaded as KMZs via the PA Downloads Link in the Resources Menu! The CH93 dataset is about 100MB, and was always too … Read More